Fadly Multimedia's Website

This blog is a multimedia designer's guide to video, photo,programming c++, c#,html(css,js,jquery), python, audio producing works we can all share and grow together with.

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Dear Readers,

These past few months I've been working on an online course for video editing. It's called "Video editing in Adobe Premiere Pro under tight deadlines" on udemy.com. 

The difference between this course and others is that I go through how to make your editing fast and organised using the tips I've gained from my 9 years of experience in the industry.

There's subtitles, simple graphics, slides, videos, worksheets, quizzes, assignments on the course. And its for a lifetime!

 Editing for an organization or for TV and broadcast is a different ball-game and this course offers you workarounds for that. We will go through the post-production documents, 9 shortcuts list, 7 editing tricks, working with DVDs and tapes, and external softwares besides the main meat of the course: Video editing from importing> edit>exporting. 

If you're mostly working from home because of covid-19. I also have limited coupons for 90% discount on my course here: 

Here's the code: B3DF8BE1BFB788D853A1

Be sure to participate in the community Q&A section and grow together as a community! 

Stay safe and protected against coronavirus(Covid-19)! See you in the course!

© 2020 Fadly.M.H.Wychowvski

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