Fadly Multimedia's Website

This blog is a multimedia designer's guide to video, photo,programming c++, c#,html(css,js,jquery), python, audio producing works we can all share and grow together with.

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Hello Everyone,

   Ever thought of appearing as a guest writer on my blog? =] If you are interested, do drop me an article of your choosing, perhaps, discussing the way your philosophy behind your photo composition or it could just be about the most picturesque places in Singapore etc. It could be factual or opinionated Here are a few guidelines if you choose to do so.
  1. Although, you are free to choose the theme, the overall subject that your article should feature must be to the benefit of photography and videography community.
  2. Write an article that is insightful and fresh. Reveal something new.
  3. It can be based on your opinion or factual. (e.g. Opinions on the best angles or Facts about the New Nikon D800)
  4. Include "Posted by: YOUR NAME at TIME on DATE" just below the heading of your article. 
  5. It would be much preferred if the article is at least 2000 words long or more, but flexibility is given if you have a good reason.
  6. If you happen to incorporate photos into your articles, please site the source you got it from. An example would be from my blog. No obscene photos please.
  7. The tone of your article can be formal or otherwise, it is to your discretion...but humor always helps. No profanities please.

  1. You can send the article in any written form with microsoft word, open office writer, notepad, text edit etc. If there are photos, make sure it can be seen on the finished article
  2. Also, the photos must be compressed or resize for the convenience of the article. If there are a few, do put it in a separate folder and send to me via sendspace.com along with your article instead of here. Title: Guest writer_blog
  3. Also include a picture of yourself.
  4. Remember to include your e-mail so I can contact you
  5. Send me an e-mail or document acknowledging that you agree to write a guest article to my blog =]

Send it to my e-mail. Do let me know. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks ;]



© 2012 Fadly.M.H.Wychowvski

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