Fadly Multimedia's Website

This blog is a multimedia designer's guide to video, photo,programming c++, c#,html(css,js,jquery), python, audio producing works we can all share and grow together with.

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I made a trip to Antel Trading today to meet a nice person named Eric. I came along with a friend with whom I do alot of shoots for and with so it was pretty nice that he knew such a prestigious enterprise such as Antel itself. You see, in Singapore, as of current, only two companies deal the famous Glidecam™, Antel Trading and Expandore. Obviously this company ain't one to be messed with. They are also dealers for other important brands such as dedolight™, KinoFlo™ and Chrosziel™ to name a few.

So I decided to take a few pictures just for the sake of reminding myself of the incredible items I've seen today. Eric was gracious enough to let me take some photos. Most of the equipments though were in boxes and ready to be shipped or were just shipped in. I took what I could. I hope you guys enjoy the pictures and know where to get your glidecams next time ;P

Pretty nifty ey? muahahha


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