Fadly Multimedia's Website

This blog is a multimedia designer's guide to video, photo,programming c++, c#,html(css,js,jquery), python, audio producing works we can all share and grow together with.

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Today will be the day when I'm shipped off to an island offshore of Singapore for the "National Service" program by Singapore. My date to the place will be at 1100 hours at the pickup point. What this opens up for me is an opportunity to train myself in the 'art' of discipline.

For all readers of my blog, I'm so grateful that you guys have visited my site and hopefully will do so in the future to read up on updates or refer back to the blogposts that I've written. You guys are welcomed to use the forum and chatbox. I want us to continually keep learning as a community. I have to give a shoutout to my wonderful readers outside of Singapore; those from USA! UK! Portugal! Canada! Australia! Malaysia! Spain! Germany! Sweden! and many others more to come!

I pledge to keep this blog continually growing. Because we love what we're doing, we love our videos and we love our photography and we love our graphics applications. Most of all, we celebrate our creativity.

What my going to serve the army means to my readers here: is that my blog will be updated inconsistently(as if it's not..pfft) and the frequency is abit spread out. Nevertheless, My duty to you is just as important as serving my nation 'cause i'll be serving the world with my blog.

So...my purpose is just FYI. Till my next post.


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